Friday, January 8, 2010

Entry 22

[recorder on]

*the woman's voice is very tired and she speaks low. Not to be quiet, just because she doesn't have the energy to raise her voice to a normal level*

What an adventure I had today I tell ya. Heh...I took Amillo's advice and got an appointment with a shrink I found advertised. I wasn't really expecting much and it was ok. We talked about my childhood and my relationship with my parents and Amillo a little bit. She seems to think that me wanting to spend time with him and talk is a good thing. I wonder what he'd say if I told him he was prescribed by the doctor?

*she laughs lightly and you hear her roll over on the bed*

He probably wouldn't say anything. He hasn't called since I had that seizure. Seems like he's just like all the rest after all.

*she sighs, seeming to accept this fact*

The doc said she could help with my seizures and she said she did some kinda hypnosis on me but I don't remember being out of it or anything. I guess I wouldn't tho huh? Trouble is, after she did that and we sat back down...I had a pretty bad one. This one knocked me out for about 30 minutes. She had to call in a local doctor to try and bring me to. She also called this doc I'd heard about. Daofi Ecan is his name. Good thing I had his comm information in my pocket.

*the woman purrs a little and the bed creaks*

Now he was a lot of fun. Took me up in his ship to run some scans with his equipment. I also managed to get in some of my own fun. I really love those restraints on the medical tables. I think I'm gonna have to get one of those things for my room. I swear I think if we'd have had any more sex I probably wouldn't be able to walk right now!

*she hums a bit and then sighs wistfully*

Hopefully he'll call me back soon with the results of the scans. He seems to think he could help me a little. Hells, at the very least he's great for scratching that itch. Especially since Amillo bailed on me. It's too bad, I really liked him too.

*she gets quiet and you hear her steady breathing for a couple of minutes.*

Even after everything that happened. I think I'm gonna go see Dr. Maelys again. Probably about time I work on some of these issues.

*she whispers a quiet prayer before reaching over and turning off the recorder*

[recording off]

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