Thursday, December 31, 2009

Entry 6

[recording on]

*a yawn and a loud stretch followed by a mumbled curse*

I really need to get out of this hotel and back into my own house again. I guess I can't blame them for renting my old place out while I was gone. Everyone needs money and I had no clue how long I'd be.

*long moment of silence*

I miss them so much. I miss trying to deflect mother's attempts at marrying me off and I miss watching father laugh at our dance of wits.

*soft but painful sigh*

You never really know how much you love someone until they're gone. I only hope that one day I can find the kind of love that they had. That forever kinda love. You know...when you only have eyes for each other..when you don't really feel like you're all there until he finds you, touches you, looks at you, whispers something sweet in your ear or kisses you lightly on the forehead.

*a very unladylike snort and a sharp chuckle*

Yeah, like that'll ever happen to me. Fat chance. I'm not worried though, I've got my whiskey and my sarcasm to keep me company...and that nice looking Lieutenant to stare at. Too bad he's old enough to be my father.

[recording off]

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