Thursday, December 31, 2009

Entry 13

[recording on]

While Talus might not have been a good idea, coming back to that dessert rock was. I got word that there might be work over in Corova so I headed that way as soon as my transport landed. I have to say, I wasn't too impressed. First of all, there was only two females in the cantina and they pretty much left as soon as I sat down. I didn't hang around long after that. I wandered around town and found a green Twi who seemed to know where she was going, so I followed.

She led me to a bar and I think she tried to talk to me a little but my eyes had found some prime meat standing by I made my move.

A bit of a hypocritical note. Why is it when a man is on a hunt for a woman, she never asks him how much it'll cost her but when a woman is on a hunt for a man the first thing he says is 'how much'? That kinda chafes me a bit. None-the-less, we left. Took me to his ship...which was a sharp contrast to the last one I was on. Where the last one was full of stuff in every corner, this one barely had enough furniture to look lived in. Not to worry tho, it had what we needed.

*a bit of low purring is heard and then the woman clears her throat*

Yeah so...a bit of small talk to be cordial but then he got the job done. A few times actually. One thing about a Corellian man...they don't often disappoint once the clothes come off.

I decided to stay till morning, which was a little awkward. We both knew he wasn't going to call and I wasn't gonna get all teary-eyed about it. I left my comm info though...on the off chance he wouldn't mind scratching that itch with me again.

Kinda hope one day I meet someone who does call. Meh, like that'll ever happen. That requires I actually let someone get close and I'd just as soon kiss a Gungan.

*sudden laughter is heard. It sounds almost...forced*

[recording off]

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