Thursday, December 31, 2009

Entry 1

[recording on]

*a few clicks and then the female voice starts to speak*

Hmm, I suppose I'm working this right. They never sent any instructions with it, but I reckon it's the same as any other recording device. If it doesn't work, the only thing I've wasted is my time...which isn't a big deal these days. Seems I've got a lot of time on my hands...

I need to get my belongings from my Naboo home and close it up. Maybe I should rent it out. I dunno, but I'm never out there except to drop off my payments or things I find and frankly, the house was small enough without all that junk that's in it now.

*a few more clicks and a soft groan of distress*

Great, another holo-message from mother...

"Dearest Daughter. This moon's parties will be well worth attending. It seems that Lord ...*the voice tries to pronounce the name but gives up after a few failed tries*...So-and-so will be there with his son. Oh you remember his son. You used to go swimming together when we vacationed on Naboo. He's the one with the dark black hair and the scar just under his eye. Oh I know he's put on a bit of weight from all the drinking but his family will take care of you. Besides, the two of you would look splendid side by side! I'll send off the newest dress I bought for you and get your rooms ready. Kisses, Mother"

*grumbling under her breath something about old gubbors and new tricks*

Let's see, what shall I tell mother this time? Oh I know!....

"Gentlest of Mothers...I'm sure that you will look radiant next to father in the new gown you've bought. No one will come close to shining as brightly as you do. Surely you and father will be the talk of the ball, as usual. However; I'm afraid I'll have to bow out of this one. Now, don't fret mother, I know I told you I'd come to one soon but I'm afraid I've gotten work of a sort and I can't very well ask for time off yet now can I? I know you worry about my jobs but this one will be easy. I'm to escort a member of a band around for a few weeks. I forget the name of the band... Starbuck? Stairluck? oh right it's...Starstruck! I'm sure you understand why I can't make the occassion. Please send my regards to the Lord and his daughters. I've found a pretty little bobble that reminded me of you and will send that shortly. All my best, your faithful daughter, Jesmy."

*another click or two as the mail is sent with an audible sigh*

Now I just have to talk to that lady I met in the cantina and let her know I've used her band to hide behind. *chuckle* That was fairly brillant of me tho. Mother just adores that band and as I told Eponine the other day, she'd love to invest a good chunk of her money with them. Dropping the name of the band should lend me a reprieve with mother and have her begging me for an audience with them.

*a pregnant pause ... long enough to make the listener think the woman has left the recorder on and walked out. Then the voice starts to speak again*

I really need to find work.....

[recording off]

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