Thursday, December 31, 2009

Entry 13

[recording on]

While Talus might not have been a good idea, coming back to that dessert rock was. I got word that there might be work over in Corova so I headed that way as soon as my transport landed. I have to say, I wasn't too impressed. First of all, there was only two females in the cantina and they pretty much left as soon as I sat down. I didn't hang around long after that. I wandered around town and found a green Twi who seemed to know where she was going, so I followed.

She led me to a bar and I think she tried to talk to me a little but my eyes had found some prime meat standing by I made my move.

A bit of a hypocritical note. Why is it when a man is on a hunt for a woman, she never asks him how much it'll cost her but when a woman is on a hunt for a man the first thing he says is 'how much'? That kinda chafes me a bit. None-the-less, we left. Took me to his ship...which was a sharp contrast to the last one I was on. Where the last one was full of stuff in every corner, this one barely had enough furniture to look lived in. Not to worry tho, it had what we needed.

*a bit of low purring is heard and then the woman clears her throat*

Yeah so...a bit of small talk to be cordial but then he got the job done. A few times actually. One thing about a Corellian man...they don't often disappoint once the clothes come off.

I decided to stay till morning, which was a little awkward. We both knew he wasn't going to call and I wasn't gonna get all teary-eyed about it. I left my comm info though...on the off chance he wouldn't mind scratching that itch with me again.

Kinda hope one day I meet someone who does call. Meh, like that'll ever happen. That requires I actually let someone get close and I'd just as soon kiss a Gungan.

*sudden laughter is heard. It sounds almost...forced*

[recording off]

Entry 12

[recording on]

Being from Corellia, you'd think I'd have spent more time on Talus but no. I tried not to make it a habit unless I had to. Of course, I tried not to make anything a habit. Oh how that used to aggravate mother so. She always used to complain about how I'd never find a good man to settle down with and have a bushel of babies with if I didn't act more like a lady. I love her but man can she be annoying. Mom never understood this itch I have. Dad tried but, it's hard to understand the driving desire to copulate with any good looking man who crosses your path when you are in love with someone. I'm just thankful he didn't give me that disdainful sigh mother did.

*a light tapping of something metal on a surface*

Why am I on Talus? Looking for work of course...and fresh meat. I managed to wander into some cantina in New Duros today. It wasn't too bad. The deco was eye catching at least. Oh and there was some random arrest going on out front I think. Thankfully I'm small and cute, I was able to slip past the Stormtroopers and they never really noticed me. I wonder what would happen if I managed to get my hands on a Stormtrooper uniform? Hah! I bet they don't even make them in my size.

*a loud laugh and the sound of a cap unscrewing followed by a satisfied sigh*

Of course I met someone. He say the least. Kinda quiet and didn't seem like he knew about social interactions much. I flirted ... I batted my lashes ... I arched my back and practically shoved my chest in his face ... either he was so enthralled he was speechless or he's not all there in the head. So I made him give me a tour of the town while I killed time. I was actually hoping that by getting him out of the busy cantina I might get lucky.


He showed me around and I totally wasn't getting any kind of vibe from him that he might be interested. At one point he took me to the 'station house' where he worked and went into one of the cells with me. So I'm sitting on the bed, practically begging him to jump my bones and he just stands there.

*a long, low frustrated growl*

I walked out into the other room and saw a Life Day tree. Made some small talk about presents. Then I practically ripped his helmet off to give him a 'Life Day' kiss. You would think that would cause him to rip my clothes off and dock the shuttle on the nearest data terminal eh? .... No. He said I kissed like an angel and I cried on the inside.

I suffered through a little longer on the tour and when he brought me to the courthouse I asked him if he was going to sex me at all. He didn't answer. My nether-parts are pretty pissed off at me by now. I told him I had to leave. We parted ways at the shuttle.

*there is a creaking of furniture and a short sigh*

I'm not sure why but I gave Sparks my comm info. I think I'm getting too desperate for my own good. Maybe I should start hitting on the cantina girls. I might actually get lucky then.

[recording off]

Entry 11

[recording on]

Sometimes it's hard to not believe in fate ya'know?

Today would have been a total bust if I hadn't run into Mr. Mysterious in the Espa cantina. Seeing him got me purring a little in my nether-parts so when he offered to show me around his ship I didn't hesitate.

The ship wasn't all that exciting...oh but I laid it on thick of course. It was really cluttered and kinda messy. Didn't look like he'd had a woman up there in awhile. But then again, I wasn't there to critic his decorating skills was I?

He went and grabbed a bottle of something from home and I have to admit, I hadn't tasted anything that good in awhile...aside from my own whiskey. I should've known when he said it was from Corellia that it would have been good.

I did everything I could short of ripping his clothes off but he just kept right on talking. I mean, I know men are pretty dense as a species but this guy was thick....and I don't mean in his pants either.

*there's a soft growl and a slight silence afterwords*

Well, I suppose it's a good thing I got that call. Mr. Mysterious had taken off his helmet and I was kinda wishing he hadn't. Not as much fun imagining a romp in the bed with a guy who has an empty eye socket as it is a guy wearing a helmet...and as much as he was talking, I was afraid I was gonna have to turn this into a pity fuck.

Momma always told me one of the signs of being a proper lady was knowing when and how to make an exit. Sometimes her advice comes in handy.

I wonder what she'd have said about paying for sex...

[recording off]

Entry 10

[recording on]

Who would have thought I'd meet Mr. Mysterious in the middle of nowhere? Things seem to be picking up. At least they were...until we got interrupted.

*soft chuckle*

Not that I mind. I do so enjoy being surrounded by good looking men. Especially ones that want me. Mmmhm. I certainly got an eye-full today. Sadly just as I was about to seal the deal with Mr. Mysterious, ol' Cal had to wander into the cantina. Didn't think I'd see him anytime soon. Not after he left us on Kashyyyk before we were done. Anyway, he scared away my new friend and kinda knocked me out of the sin-making mood. So I walked Cal to the hotel, left him with a blown kiss and hopped a ride out of town. I'm waiting on a shuttle to take me to Espa now. I need to meet up with some old contacts and I've been meaning to check out the gaming tables in the hotel there. Been too long since I felt the rush of a win.

*random, soft conversations are heard in the background*

Been too long since I felt much of anything actually...

[recording off]

Entry 9

[recording on]

That wasn't much of a party. Dunno who's idea it was to hang out and listen to that band instead of hoping the ship and going home. They certainly didn't seem like they were all that into either. Kept threatening to go home. I hate people who don't follow through. Either do your job or go home. Damn sure no one in our party would have cared much either way....'specially since the drinks were watered down.

*sounds of walking and light breathing for a moment or two*

I almost stood up for that woman. Wonder why I did that. Guess I felt bad for those other two shuttas talking down to her. Not that she needed my help at all. Almost let myself get put into the middle of a fight. Luckily I realized I didn't care what happened to her and walked away before it came to blows. Someone might've bruised my face.

*you can hear the sounds of distant animals talking to each other*

The Wook ceremony afterwords wasn't half bad tho. A bit weird but...who am I to judge. Time to go home now.

Happy Life Day mom and dad.

*a tearful whisper is heard*

I miss you...

[recording off]

Entry 8

[recording on]

Why am I even here? I'm not a fighter. I'm a finder. Only thing I care about is staying alive....if things keep up the way they are now, I'm gonna start wondering if I'm ever gonna make it off this forsaken planet.

*the woman starts to grumble about being dirty*

Hells, I'm even starting to miss those party dresses mother liked to put me in. And the damnable Doshans stole all my WHISKEY!!!!

How am I gonna make it out of here without my whiskey?!

*there's a long pitiful sigh*

At least the doc made my neck feel better. I don't recommend being a lizard's baby doll. It's quite painful.

[recording off]

Entry 7

[recording on]

*the voice is low and broken. It's obvious that the person is having a hard time talking*

G'damn Dosh...m'neck 'urts bad. Doc saiz t'wil ... ok soon.'ver. D'mn rag doll.

*there's a pause while the woman moans in pain before talking again*

Le'st tha Lt. not'ced me t'day.

*there are a few strangled and painful coughs before the recording cuts off*

[recording off]

Entry 6

[recording on]

*a yawn and a loud stretch followed by a mumbled curse*

I really need to get out of this hotel and back into my own house again. I guess I can't blame them for renting my old place out while I was gone. Everyone needs money and I had no clue how long I'd be.

*long moment of silence*

I miss them so much. I miss trying to deflect mother's attempts at marrying me off and I miss watching father laugh at our dance of wits.

*soft but painful sigh*

You never really know how much you love someone until they're gone. I only hope that one day I can find the kind of love that they had. That forever kinda love. You know...when you only have eyes for each other..when you don't really feel like you're all there until he finds you, touches you, looks at you, whispers something sweet in your ear or kisses you lightly on the forehead.

*a very unladylike snort and a sharp chuckle*

Yeah, like that'll ever happen to me. Fat chance. I'm not worried though, I've got my whiskey and my sarcasm to keep me company...and that nice looking Lieutenant to stare at. Too bad he's old enough to be my father.

[recording off]

Entry 5

[recording on]

Who in their right mind would actually want to be a slave??!! I don't understand it, or him. He seemed so .... happy about his situation. Can't he see that even the small amount of "freedom" that he's allowed is not freedom at all. That his owner dictates his every move just by being the owner. That a man cannot truly be free if he has chains placed on him in any way?

How is that living?

[recording off]

Entry 4

[recording on]

*a soft clucking noise can be heard for a moment or two, followed by a word spoken so softly, the listener has to strain to hear it*


*a sharp laugh brings the speaker back to the present*

What a day, what a day I say!

If I didn't feel like I'd been put on a wild goose chase by that slimy Hal'ron then I might be able to enjoy what came of it....psh, I'll enjoy it anyway and deal with Hal'ron later.

Eisley is not a place I like to visit, let alone go into the cantina for any ammount of time, and yet that's where they always want to meet. I s'pose filth is attracted to filth eh?

Well, if I hadn't been there I wouldn't have made my current contact, slimy as He is.

Let's see if I can put everything out from the begining...

I'm leaning against the bar railing, thanking the 100 little Gods that I bring my own booze because no one ever sees me when I'm standing at the bar to order (mother says that's a sign I shouldn't be at the bar, and father says I should just bring my own alcohol - I tend to agree with father) and just looking out over the crowd. I'm trying to decide if Hal would come out if I find a spot at a front table or if I should just go to a back corner and hide in the dark while guarding my pockets.

While I'm making this decision, I let my eyes roam over the room at all the various species here and there's this one man(?) that I see that seems ... well ... like he's trying to impress someone with his mystery.

*soft chuckle*

How many men have I seen like that before? Walking around in full armor (helmet also) trying to exude an air of mystery. He's probably wanted by the Imperials but doesn't want to leave his current hooker alone lest she run off with 'his' money so he borrowed someone's armor so he can stay in the cantina and keep an eye on her with no one knowing who he is.

I came to this conclusion at the same time I found a table that was safe enough for both Hal and I and wandered over to it. So I'm sitting there drinking from my bottle, and rolling a pair of dice over my fingers to keep my hands busy and my mind calm when someone decides to address me, and it's not Hal''s the armored guy..

I let him sit, thinking he'll be amusing company till Hal comes around...and to my surprise he takes his helmet off. So much for my first assumption. But that's good. It always gets complicated when you befriend criminals in hiding, hell-fire, it gets complicated even when you've just been seen talking to them!

So we had our converation....he tried to flirt, I defected each time. Until we talked about work. Then the conversation was a give/take with no deflections. It was surprisingly more pleasent that I thought. So much so that, when I realized after all this time Hal'ron wouldn't show and I'd have to go pull him from his gambling to get what I needed, I felt a soft pull of regret that I'd be ending the conversation.

Standing up, before I could stop myself and under the pretense of work, I tossed him a datachip with my com info on it.

I hope he doesn't lose it....

[recording off]

Entry 3

[recording on]

*several foul words and phrases that one wonders how a young lady may have come to learn*

For the love of all that is holy!!!

Oh it's just a couple of crates of booze, and 2 hard could it be to ship that from one place to another?!? I'll tell you how hard, after you add 2 More people, a Doshan Captain who's upset about the extra baggage, a bunch of nasty pirates in space, and stupid me that falls off the turrent ladder and twists my ankle!

Thankfully Sky is a whiz (or damned lucky) in space or we wouldn't have landed at all, let alone with the mild ammount of damages we Did have.

So out of the 6 crates of rare booze that we originally had, only 3 or 4 bottles were busted. Two of the passangers seemed to possess no more than a few cuts or bruises, one passanger is just plan off her rocker and another seems to have twisted Her ankle in the landing.

And I don't even what to discuss the damages to the ship....


I told Sky I'd pay for any repairs that a pair of extra passengers would cause too...


Better call the bank in the morning.

Meanwhile, this damn doctor better show up. I hate sitting still in an empty room and my ankle is throbbing!

Maybe if I find something to throw at the wall......

[recording off]

Entry 2

[recording on]

So it seems I've gotten a job of sorts thanks to a random meeting with a lizard. The town itself isn't so bad. Small and out of the way, tho I can tell it's not used to the quiet that surrounds it now...too many blaster burns on the buildings. The town itself is full of random misfits, and yet in all their randomness their need for freedom draws them together.

The Major himself has deemed that I may be of use to the town and, while not actually hiring me, has said that he'd buy anything I can bring in that the town could use. So basically I'm still doing the same thing I was before but this time I actually may have a steady buyer. Oh, and apparently with that offer came a place to live and I've chosen one on the edges of town.

Maybe I can set it up as a showroom of sorts in the front?

Thoughts for another day I think...meanwhile, the Major has decided that the lizard and I are now partners. I'm sure he ment it to have someone babysit me but I honestly don't mind. I get lonely at times and it surely wouldn't hurt to have a large scary Dosh behind me while I meet with my suppliers.


I wonder if I should put him on a leash for some of my reluctant ones and then 'accidentally' drop it?

*slight pause*

Well I better get running, Sky and I have to meet up with one of those suppliers now.

[recording off]

Entry 1

[recording on]

*a few clicks and then the female voice starts to speak*

Hmm, I suppose I'm working this right. They never sent any instructions with it, but I reckon it's the same as any other recording device. If it doesn't work, the only thing I've wasted is my time...which isn't a big deal these days. Seems I've got a lot of time on my hands...

I need to get my belongings from my Naboo home and close it up. Maybe I should rent it out. I dunno, but I'm never out there except to drop off my payments or things I find and frankly, the house was small enough without all that junk that's in it now.

*a few more clicks and a soft groan of distress*

Great, another holo-message from mother...

"Dearest Daughter. This moon's parties will be well worth attending. It seems that Lord ...*the voice tries to pronounce the name but gives up after a few failed tries*...So-and-so will be there with his son. Oh you remember his son. You used to go swimming together when we vacationed on Naboo. He's the one with the dark black hair and the scar just under his eye. Oh I know he's put on a bit of weight from all the drinking but his family will take care of you. Besides, the two of you would look splendid side by side! I'll send off the newest dress I bought for you and get your rooms ready. Kisses, Mother"

*grumbling under her breath something about old gubbors and new tricks*

Let's see, what shall I tell mother this time? Oh I know!....

"Gentlest of Mothers...I'm sure that you will look radiant next to father in the new gown you've bought. No one will come close to shining as brightly as you do. Surely you and father will be the talk of the ball, as usual. However; I'm afraid I'll have to bow out of this one. Now, don't fret mother, I know I told you I'd come to one soon but I'm afraid I've gotten work of a sort and I can't very well ask for time off yet now can I? I know you worry about my jobs but this one will be easy. I'm to escort a member of a band around for a few weeks. I forget the name of the band... Starbuck? Stairluck? oh right it's...Starstruck! I'm sure you understand why I can't make the occassion. Please send my regards to the Lord and his daughters. I've found a pretty little bobble that reminded me of you and will send that shortly. All my best, your faithful daughter, Jesmy."

*another click or two as the mail is sent with an audible sigh*

Now I just have to talk to that lady I met in the cantina and let her know I've used her band to hide behind. *chuckle* That was fairly brillant of me tho. Mother just adores that band and as I told Eponine the other day, she'd love to invest a good chunk of her money with them. Dropping the name of the band should lend me a reprieve with mother and have her begging me for an audience with them.

*a pregnant pause ... long enough to make the listener think the woman has left the recorder on and walked out. Then the voice starts to speak again*

I really need to find work.....

[recording off]