Saturday, January 23, 2010

Entry 33

[recording on]

*You hear light weeping for several minutes before she blows her nose and starts to speak.*

I met with Tyann and it seems that everything may be true. Ms. Hyde has been dead for about twenty years now. My...mother? It feels so strange to call her that. I never knew her.

*Her voice shakes a little.*

According to Mr. Setas, one of my birth parents has to sign a paper to make my adoption legal in order for my inheritance to be released to me again. The only problem is that my birth mother is dead and no one seems to have much information about my birth father.

Tyann said she didn't remember Kamma talk about my birth father much. She did remember that they met in the cantina and were together a couple of months. She fell pretty hard for him but then something happened and she left him and never told him about me.

*She stands up slowly and paces.*

Tyann didn't remember his name, only that he wasn't particularly good looking and insanely fact she used the term "looked more like a poorly shaven wookiee than a human".

*The woman lets out a short dry laugh.*

So after Kamma gave birth to me, she went off to find my father...tried to be a happy family or something, but he wasn't around anymore. Hooked himself up in the military and she never heard from him again. She realized that she couldn't take care of me on her own and that's when she got rid of me.


I'm so numb right now that I don't know what to think. I have to go back to Corellia and tell Mr. Setas something, and I need to find my birth father. I also need to hear Falcun's voice....

*She sighs and whispers.*

This may be my most difficult job yet.

[recording off]

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