Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Entry 19

[recording on]

*there's some muffled sounds, something falls onto the floor and it sounds like it cracked. The woman sighs and you hear her cleaning up the mess while she starts talking*

I got a fair bit done today. I managed to find a caterer, an entertainer and bought a dress for the dinner party. I also got the name of a furniture maker. I'm gonna need to buy some things for the house ... as soon as I figure out where I'm gonna move. I should talk to the Major about getting another house in town.

*she's done cleaning the mess and deposits it in the trash. You hear her opening packages and shaking out clothing*

Ms. Jao was very nice. I managed to get an acceptable dress for the party and another outfit that frankly shows a bit more skin than I'm comfortable with .. oh, and I managed not to get accosted on the public shuttle on the way to Nashal. Amillo was sweet enough to come and pick me and my packages up and take me home.

*she pauses and you can hear her slowly folding the packing paper*

Which makes me wonder. We spent the entire ride back just talking...well, mostly talking. I learned a lot about him. I learned enough to like him more than I did...and damnit if I already didn't like him a lot. I just hope I didn't scare him away when I had that seizure.

*there's a soft, tired sigh*

Seizures or voices girl...which one do you want? I brought those up too, seeing as he slipped and told me something he probably shouldn't have. He asked if I'd ever seen a psychiatrist for it...which I suppose is the normal thing to ask but, I don't like to have doctors poking at me. I've had enough of that already.

I should probably look and see if I can find a herbal remedy for the seizures that isn't affected by the alcohol. That way I can keep both things quiet.

*she gets up off the bed and you can hear her walking across the floor to put things away in the dresser*

I don't really know what to do about the Lt now. I mean, I practically told him I wanted a relationship with him and I certainly told him I wanted to see him naked. But I'm not sure now if I really meant it. Maybe I was just reaching out to someone who showed a little bit of concern for my well-being. I mean, he is old enough to be my father...and while I wouldn't normally have a problem with that, there's something that's keeping me from pursuing it.

*the dresser closes and she walks over to the desk and slides the chair in when she sits*

I don't know. Maybe I should take a breath and see what fate has to say about it all?

*she snorts a little*

What was it Amillo said about the day we met...? That's right, "It was a very lucky day".

Now what am I going to do about this dinner party...

[recording off]

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