Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Entry 30

[recording on]

*You hear some water running and a little splashing like she might be washing her face or something. The water stops and you hear dainty steps of bare feet walk across a stone floor until you hear the bed creak as she sits on it.*

I was grumpy all day yesterday. We had drills and I just couldn't get in the mood for them. Then again, I'm not exactly sure why I'm participating in things like that anyway...it's not like I'm an actual member of the company or anything. I'm just a contractor. Meh, I did it anyway. I needed a break from moving.

*Her voice gets a little lighter and you can almost hear the smile.*

I did manage to find an empty house for rent, roughly 600 meters west of town. It even has a window! I've been having some of my larger pieces of furniture moved over here and once it got livable that's what I did...I moved myself out of the hotel and into my own place again. I have to say, it's a lot nicer than the last one I was in.

*You hear her crawling under the covers and yawning slightly*

After the drills I called on Mr. Nix to take me out of town. I wasn't too particular where I went and he took me to a nice little oasis he showed me the other day. We sat and talked and I was really able to relax for the first time all day. But then he pulled me into the water, clothes and all!

*She laughs brightly at the memory.*

Thankfully he had some supplies and was able to put up a makeshift shelter to keep us warm while our clothes dried. Afterwords there was an adventure in Eisley where he managed to get completely sloshed off of one drink and I managed to have a seizure. When I came too he had laid me on the bed and laid down behind me with his arm around me. What was the most embarrassing was that I was holding onto his arm for dear life.

After I gathered my strength enough to walk I had him take me home. He's an odd man. He offered to stay the night with me in case I had another one.

*She pauses momentarily then takes a deep breath.*

I asked him to stay...because...well I really didn't want to be alone. I felt kind of weak after yesterday's events .. both physically and emotionally, and I just really needed someone there for me. I felt my guard slip a little with him and even though it scared me, I didn't want him to leave. And before you get any silly ideas in your head...it wasn't just because of the sex. Granted, the sex was pretty good..

It was other..little things. He seemed to read my mind and know what I needed before I said anything. It was kinda nice to have a moment or two when I didn't have to take care of myself. Although, I'm not sure he can keep up with my sex drive. He complained a little the third time.

*There's a soft chuckle and you hear her roll over onto her side.*

I'm going home tomorrow. I need to pack my dresses and make sure I have all the paperwork I'll need for the trip, I don't want to be on Corellia any longer than I have to.


I wonder if I'll ever feel comfortable there again?

[recording off]

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