Sunday, January 10, 2010

Entry 28

[recording on]

*The woman yawns and stretches, her voice seems ... distant*

Mr. Nix is working out quite well. He got me an interview with another dance group. Not sure if they'll work though but we'll see. I had an interview with another friend of his...a Mr. Nu'ro. He seemed promising, although I'm not too thrilled about the name of the group. Guess I can't really be that picky right now can I? I still need to find a caterer, or at least some waitstaff to serve food I buy.

*She's quiet for a long moment, her breathing is steady. You think she might have fallen asleep.*

Went and got the new pills from the doctor also. Should know something by the end of the week if they work. I certainly hope so.

*There's a slight pause*

I definitely couldn't help myself with him again. Couldn't have too much fun though, he got called away. Oh well...I suppose that's a good thing. Amillo and I had quite a busy day.

*She laughs lightly and rolls onto her side.*

Stopped to get a drink before I came back to the room...met a nice man who'd just got back into town. A Mr. Aldana I believe his name was. Going to have to look him up later.

*You hear her hand touch the recorder but she pauses before she turns it off*

Amillo was supposed to call me tonight....I hope he's ok.

[recording off]

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