Sunday, January 10, 2010

Entry 25

[recording on]

*The recorder is turned on but no one is addressing it yet. You here a light scratching movement like someone is writing something and there is some mumbling. After a moment you hear the woman let out a deep breath and put something heavy in a drawer.*

I almost gave myself another seizure today from all the stress.

*She taps something metal on the table briefly before speaking again*

I had the Lt drive me out to Carova for my appointment with Dr. Ecan. I figured I should let the doc fill him in on what was going on. I dunno why. I think I'm getting soft in my old age or something. Anyway, the doc wants me to head back over tomorrow to pick up some new meds to try so we'll see how that goes. The Lt and I were walking over for a drink afterwords and he asked me why I told him. I didn't really have an answer for him and he seemed so damned ... put out that I told him. Like excuse me for thinking you might have given a damn for the briefest moments!

I went into the cantina for a drink and after awhile he followed me. Said something about not being used to hearing people's problems and how he liked it better that way so I told him he didn't have to worry about me anymore and I could find my own way home. Then I went for a walk.

*She makes a light groaning sound as she stretches hear a few bones popping and then a sigh.*

I can't believe he actually left me there. I guess it wasn't so bad though. Turns out I managed to find a ride home and ended up hiring him to drive me around when I need it. I always like having a backup plan and Falcun Nix is definitely a good looking back up plan...

I managed to apologize to Gete today too. We talked about the dinner party and made a few decisions for it. Gods I really hate that woman. I wonder if she's screwing the Major?

*The woman snorts a little and dismisses her last comment.*

I had Mr. Nix drive me to Eisley to see if we could find a caterer but we weren't successful at all. I felt a seizure coming on from all the lights so he took me home where I paid him for his work and we discussed a few details.

*You hear her get up and open the cooler. She pulls something out and takes a long drink from it before walking back to the table*

The topping on the cake was that Amillo showed up at my door. I invited him in and sent Mr. Nix on his way. I was a little thrown by his sudden appearance to be honest....and very confused. I think we had a pretty good discussion. Decided to go back to being the way we were when we first met. Then we had make up sex. Which I have to say...if you've never done it, go start a fight just to have make up sex. It was pretty amazing.

*She laughs lightly*

I think this is better for me too. I don't have to worry about whether or not he's going to get upset if I sleep with someone else and he doesn't have to worry about whether or not he has the ability to share his heart with me. As long as I don't loose my friend....she can have his heart, I'll take the rest of him.

*There's a small pause and she hesitates as if to say something but then thinks better of it.*

[recording off]

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