Sunday, January 3, 2010

Entry 15

[recording on]

The ride back to Tattooine was uneventful and mildly boring. I had to pay someone double the usual rate to get me back to Black Sands this time. I guess the roads are still hostile...even tho they seemed less populated.

I unpacked and hit the cantina to see if I could find some company.

*there's a bit of a pause and all you hear is steady breathing then suddenly there's a slight growl and when the woman talks again it's almost as if she's talking through her teeth*

Damn that woman. I swear to the nine hells if I were a more evil person I'd have a bounty on her quicker then I ever notice a man in a room! I swear she's up to something but I'll be damned if she's gonna keep me from taking care of my business.

*there's a scratching noise heard...almost as if fingernails were digging into wood*

Everything was fine. I met the Bothan Doctor, and got reintroduced to one of the men that was on that fool mission on Kashyyyk. Schwartze was his name. Didn't look half bad in that armor. I was busy thinking of the many ways I could get him out of it and just when I thought I had sealed the deal, she had to shove her poorly shaped, aristocratic nose where it didn't belong!

*a fist is slammed on the table nearby*

I invite him to dinner and what does she do? The tramp invites herself, and Hadox, and the Doctor, and every other sentient on the planet!! A dinner party...this is what I got myself into. All because of a man. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother...

*the woman sighs and pauses for a bit. A brief chuckle is heard finally*

Because they're so pretty. That's why you bother. You like the way they smell and the way their muscles move and the way the look at you with desire. Mmmhm...that's why.

Feh...that ... woman ... I wasn't any good at politics. That's why I left Corellia. Mother was always entwined in something or another with her group of 'lady friends'. You could tell when they hated you. The way they looked down their crooked noses. The way the disdain practically dripped from their lips when they could be bothered to talk to you. I hated it....and Gete was doing it to me all over again.

*her chair is pushed sharply back and there is the sound of boots on the hard floor as she paces back and forth, each word making her more and more angry*

I saw the way she looked at I was nothing. How she dismissed me as inconsequential when she invited herself to our dinner. I felt her glare when I was talking to him. And when he came back from answering his comm...I asked him to walk me to the hotel but he said he needed to talk to her. Yeah, I got the hint. It may have been a little late but I left them to it. I'm not gonna fight for a man that doesn't want me. Hell, I'm not gonna fight for anyone. They never fought for me did they?

*the pacing slows down and her breathing matches it*

Didn't think he'd follow me though...that kinda shook me a little. I apologized and he walked me to the door. I managed to ask him to a more private dinner. Hopefully I didn't look like too much of a fool. Oddly enough, he accepted.

*she sits back down in the chair and pulls it closer*

I'm not exactly sure what to make of this one. I have a feeling I should be on closer guard than usual though.

[recording off]

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