Thursday, December 31, 2009

Entry 11

[recording on]

Sometimes it's hard to not believe in fate ya'know?

Today would have been a total bust if I hadn't run into Mr. Mysterious in the Espa cantina. Seeing him got me purring a little in my nether-parts so when he offered to show me around his ship I didn't hesitate.

The ship wasn't all that exciting...oh but I laid it on thick of course. It was really cluttered and kinda messy. Didn't look like he'd had a woman up there in awhile. But then again, I wasn't there to critic his decorating skills was I?

He went and grabbed a bottle of something from home and I have to admit, I hadn't tasted anything that good in awhile...aside from my own whiskey. I should've known when he said it was from Corellia that it would have been good.

I did everything I could short of ripping his clothes off but he just kept right on talking. I mean, I know men are pretty dense as a species but this guy was thick....and I don't mean in his pants either.

*there's a soft growl and a slight silence afterwords*

Well, I suppose it's a good thing I got that call. Mr. Mysterious had taken off his helmet and I was kinda wishing he hadn't. Not as much fun imagining a romp in the bed with a guy who has an empty eye socket as it is a guy wearing a helmet...and as much as he was talking, I was afraid I was gonna have to turn this into a pity fuck.

Momma always told me one of the signs of being a proper lady was knowing when and how to make an exit. Sometimes her advice comes in handy.

I wonder what she'd have said about paying for sex...

[recording off]

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